Last updated : February 3, 2009


Minutes of the last Parish Meeting held on Tuesday 26th July 2005

Boothby Pagnell Parish Meeting Minutes of the AGM and Meeting Held on Tuesday 26 July 2005

Attendees: Neville and Liz Cox, Denise Wright, Trevor Connelly-Haywood, Rachel and Peter Williams, Ken Exton, Elizabeth Clarke, Deirdre Collins, Linda Hutchinson, Gill Taylor, Audrey Roberts, Jean Spence, Pauline Haw, Susan Hodson, Tom Blake, Keith Smith, Andrew Usbourne.

Apologies:  Paul and Hazel Dyson, Lady Netherthorpe, Andy and Dawn Crawford, Brian and Katherine Spence, Peter Clarke.

Minutes of the AGM held on 26 July 2005

Minutes of previous AGM

Approved as a true record. Proposed Deirdre, Seconded Audrey.

Finance report

Peter explained our current finance position as at 31/3/2005, (a copy of which had already been incorporated in the meeting notice).

Current account £5

Deposit account £298

£68 had been set aside for audit fees and £25 for unclaimed expenses from previous years.

Main expenditure was for insurance (£190) with £93 spent on flags.

Report approved. Proposed Andrew, Seconded Tom.

Election of Officers

There being no other candidates Peter and Keith were re-elected unopposed. Proposed Tom, Seconded Andrew.

Minutes of ordinary Meeting held on 26 July 2005

Minutes of previous meeting

Minutes of the meeting held on 3 February 2005 were read and approved. Proposed Deirdre, Seconded Susan.

Matters arising

Extra road signs had been chased but LCC had yet to express a decision. Keith informed the meeting that a letter had been received from LCC on an unrelated matter informing us that they had started an initiative to remove old or redundant road signs as a road safety project. None came to mind at the meeting but LCC could be contacted if any should come to light.

Many people felt that not enough was being done to combat the speeding issue and the parking issue within the 30 mph limits of the village.

Insurance Premium

Peter brought up his concerns relating to the amount paid for insurance and questioned whether there was a need for insurance at all. He explained it covered employer’s liability, public liability and specific cover for a bench. Given the Parish Meeting did not appear to own any property nor to have any need to employ anyone the cover seemed excessive.

The Village Hall and the Social Club have their own insurance as does the Church.

Representatives from the Parish Council have confirmed that they “own” and will insure the flagpole but would look to the Parish Meeting in future to support the maintenance of it.

The bench was a “gift to the village” but is not the responsibility of the Parish Meeting. After much discussion the Meeting could not think of anything that required insurance.

Peter was asked to seek advice from SKDC legal staff as to whether there was a legal requirement for insurance given the Parish Meeting’s circumstances. Subject to this advice a proposal was made that the Parish Meeting decline to renew its insurance cover and save the premium. This was approved on a show of hands (unanimous).


Bottle Bank

Deirdre told the meeting she had contacted the "bottle bank people" and they confirmed that a second bank will be delivered within 6/8 weeks. Peter confirmed he had been given a similar story (a larger unit rather than a second one) each month since February 2005 when he first contacted SKDC on the subject.

Planning Applications

Peter asked that the meeting adopt a formal procedure for dealing with planning applications. A note of the proposed

The procedure was adopted. Proposed Deirdre, Seconded Susan.

Free Trees

The village had the option to request 25 small trees. Anyone wanting one should contact either Keith or Peter in order that its proposed location can be noted and marked on the village OS map which Peter will submit with the application. Gill asked that a replacement Rowan be ordered to replace the one near the bench. Peter invited those present to make their own requests after the meeting.

Rubbish collection

Peter raised the subject of possible changes to rubbish collection arrangements for the village. He was seeking the views of villagers so that he could write to SKDC to express our opinions. Generally villagers are pleased with current arrangements, were evenly divided on the merits of introducing wheelie bins to replace bags but definitely did not want to lose the weekly collection of household waste even if there were a separate collection of recyclable waste. Peter will write to SKDC along these lines.

Amenity Freighter

Keith confirmed this was booked as usual for Saturday 3rd September between 9.30 and 11.30 AM.

House numbering

Deirdre asked if people would consider numbering their houses in order that deliveries and emergency services could locate houses easier. This met with a mixed response. Peter will contact SKDC to confirm if a data base is held by emergency services to help them locate properties.

Blocked gullies

Andrew referred the meeting to the blocked gullies caused by excessive weed growth. Peter confirmed SKDC had been notified (Sandra Pask) and he had been assured this issue would be dealt with as soon as SKDC had resolved their issues with their contractors.


Deirdre asked if a donation from the Meeting could be made towards the cost of framing the tapestry. Andrew proposed £50 Seconded by Audrey. This was approved by a show of hands subject to there being no need for the insurance policy as in previous minutes.

Date of next meeting will be notified by flyer as normal.